Botox and Fillers

Botox and Demafillers
Botox® Cosmetic is administered by a health care professional as a simple, nonsurgical treatment. Botox® is a prescription medicine that is injected into the facial muscles and attaches itself to the nerve endings of the motor muscles. Botox® affects the nerve transmission to these muscles. It takes anywhere from two to ten days to block the nerve transmitters where it was injected.

The Botox Process

Once these motor nerve endings are interrupted the muscles can’t contract. When the muscle can’t contract then the skin is unable to wrinkle. The only reason there are wrinkles in the skin is because the muscle is moving underneath it.After Botox® treatment, the skin above these motor muscles becomes nice and smooth.

The effects of Botox® last approximately three to four months, depending on various factors (the amount injected and patient lifestyle choices), which may cause the Botox® treatment not to last as long.

When the patient sees the wrinkles reappear, the patient needs retreatment. Botox® treatment is a temporary treatment that needs to be refreshed from time to time. The most common uses for Botox® are smoothing the facial wrinkles of the forehead, between the eyes, and around the corners of the eyes. Botox® can give you real, noticeable results.

Botox and Jaw Pain

Approximately 8% of dentists in North America are now providing Botox® treatment to patients for cosmetic treatment, there are other innovative uses being found for Botox® in dentistry. Botox® has useful clinical uses in TMJ and bruxism cases, even more so for patients with moderate chronic joint and facial pain. Botox® is a muscle relaxer, a facial wrinkle smoothing treatment, and it can reduce the intensity of muscle contractions contributed with TMJ and facial pain to significantly provide relief. At Dental Health Care Associates we are now treating our patients with TMJ with Botox®.

Other Botox Advantages

Gummy smile can have a negative effect on the esthetics of your smile. The good news is that a gummy smile can be corrected with Botox® treatment. A personalized treatment plan is important for achieving the best results with your doctor.

The difference between Botox® and Juvederm® is Botox® treatment is for upper facial features, where Juvederm® treats wrinkles around your mouth, nose, and lip augmentation. Botox® lasts three to four months and Juvederm® could last up to a year. Results with Botox® take one to two weeks to see where Juvederm® is instantly. The doctor can use a combination of Botox® and Juvederm® treatments together to get the best results for the patient.